2008年9月29日 星期一

2008年9月18日 星期四

I don't know what happens to me

Maybe it is not a good thing for me to decide to write ANYTHING in English when I am working just for improving my English skill.
Much of my usual conversation is on the Internet. Becides, I need to use chinese to google some information.

Maybe it is one reason that I get anger easier lately.
Don't know how to say out my though loudly is not a good thing to me.
Poor Blake. He is innocent.

2008年9月10日 星期三


不要留白 即使是營造生活很豐富的假象 也要留下精采的樣子


那天沒聊到什麼 只是很想要和她見個面 一開始過去念書 似乎很辛苦

對她 一直停在心疼的階段